Tuesday, February 23, 2010

i gave blood!

so today my anth120 class was only 20 mins. it's supposed to be an an hour and 15 min. but eh. i was surprised when he said, "okay, i guess that's it for today." i think most of us were surprised as well. we thought he'd start the next outline but i guess not.

anyway, since i had time before going to work, i decided to give blood. i was able to. i think eating meat last night helped with my iron and i've learned how to slow down my pulse. only thing is i get a tired and out of breath really easily. mostly probably because i'm 5lbs lighter than the requirement. =P but it's for a good cause and i'll get my blood back soon enough. and it gives me an excuse to not do much and get a yummy dinner. hehe

i got an email today from the Two and a Half Men thing and it said this week's taping is cancelled. greaat.and it said there are no other tapings this week. phooie. it was hard getting those tickets! ugh. if we had gone on the 12th it would've been ok. but no, my dad had to be busy getting ready to go to vegas. oh well.

i have to pick a topic for my japn350 class research paper. first off, those words scare me because i aboslutely suck at researching. second, the word paper turns me off because i suck at writing. third, since i suck at researching, none of the topics are appealing to me. i look at a topic, think it's do-able, think of how i'm going to find information, then think "eh" and move on. T-T
i don't understand why we need to write 5+ pages on anthing. we don't write papers in the real world. we really don't. i don't see how it's helping me now. i only stress and worry.

i hate writing papers.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

spring is coming!

it's getting a little bit warmer and i can leave the house without a jacket and not freeze in the daytime!
today is also me and george's 23 months! and next month is our 2 year anniversary! ^____________^
valentine's weekend was fun. on saturday me and george went to the griffith observatory, looked around, watched the show on water [which wasn't as great as the first one we saw], and i bought a book on pluto. i'm actually surprised i bought a book considering i hardly read. but it's on pluto! the little thing, which i imagine to be a purpley orb, that is still a planet dammit. i'm kind of excited for when i'll have time to sit down and read it.
valentine's day we cooked a yummy dinner. tri-tip, mashed potatoes, salad, and bread. oh and apple cider in fancy glasses. it was so good

valentine's dinner
valentine's dinner

then we went back to ralphs later and picked up ice cream for dessert.

this week has been okay i guess. school's still tolerable. i figure there's about a month before spring break. i think that's it for the update.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

so life won.

but only that round. and i'll still be complaining.

but anyway. i changed my design again! it's PINK! with little hearts all over the place. and a cute little doggie which reminds me of me and my doggie since it has that sweatdrop xD

i won't be going to japan next semester. at least not to waseda. most likely not to osaka or nara either. not through school anyway. if i really wanted to go, i'd have to go through an independent program but even then i don't think i'd have a good chance. the main problem with i got D's in both my japanese classes last year and those teachers won't write me letters of rec. well, one won't. the other just said she won't write a good one because i didn't try. yeah, thanks.
i could try for london, but even then it'd be a stretch. i don't think my gpa is going to let me go anywhere this year.

on a good note, i am most likely going to london for a couple days to visit lily during my spring break! how exciting is that. pretty damn exciting.

i'm also excited for valentine's day =]