Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Things at work right now are crazy. Our office looks like a storage room and it feels like I haven't done much work in the past week and a half. Or maybe I just haven't been super busy so I don't actually have stuff to do...

Our moving day actually got pushed back a week so it's now next Monday. I barely started packing my things into boxes and emptying my desk. Our office is a freaking disasterous mess. We have stacks of boxes everywhere and it's become a maze to get to the other side of the room. I actually don't have that many boxes since I don't have a lot of past work like everyone else. So far, I've only packed most of one box and I think I'll only need one or two more. Maybe three if I'm underestimating...but I doubt it.

So, since the month is half over, I can go over most things I listed out in my last entry.

BSB Cruise booking went somewhat smoothly. Chris was supposed to get it started but for some reason, she wasn't able to log in and she was getting angry. Once I got to work, I was able to get in and book our room. Our same room from last year wasn't available to choose from and there was only one room left on that same deck. I kept refreshing until it came back and then snatched it up. We are now officially going to next year's cruise with ALL FIVE Backstreet Boys!

Deaf coffee night at The Block was interesting. We talked to a couple more people than in the past. My friend talked to this nice old man who, in the end, seemed to try and set her up with his son (who was about 15 years older than her). And I got to talk to a seemingly nice deaf guy who only wanted my number. Sorry buddy. We found Gustavo again and chatted with him and a couple other people. It was definitely something we could write about in our papers.

Possible Disneyland trip with elementary school friends? Yep, told you it wouldn't happen. Those boys said they weren't able to financially since they started something new with their clothing line and wanted to focus on that. That's cool...I guess. And then they complain when we can't come out LAST MINUTE to their little shindigs. Mmhmm.

Mickey's Halloween Party was fun! I only got to enjoy about three hours since I had to attend in downtown and didn't get to leave until 6pm. I was furious when I found out I had to attend. I was planning to leave my office at 6pm, then I would've had a little bit more time. But downtown? That's a whole other thing. But it was fun. I can tell you our costume idea now! George and I were Wall-E and Eve!!! I gotta admit, I think I looked pretty darn cute in that white, bob-cut wig. The people who understood our costumes seemed to think it was pretty cute and clever. ^____^

And that's it so far. OH! I saw a new movie this month. The Perks of Being a Wallflower. So far, I've seen it four times. That's how much I love it. The first time, I cried. Several times. Everytime I finish watching it, I get this feeling...that's a little hard to describe. I feel like going out with friends and driving around or having house parties. Or just doing something different like lie on top of a car roof and watch the stars. I've never done that and I've always wanted to. I don't know. I get this feeling like I want to just go out all night and do crazy things.

Okay, that's it for now...bye! ♥

Monday, October 1, 2012

happy october!

And to celebrate, I bought a pumpkin spice frappuccino from Starbucks! (any excuse, really)

So...I think I've been under some stress lately. I can't say for sure, since I've never dealt with "real" stress, but I think the past couple weeks kind of got to me. I've never thought of myself to have a lot of stress. I think my life is pretty normal, if not down right peachy compared to others. I have it easy, really. I don't have much to worry about, so when I get a few things that come at me at once, it's considered a little stressful. Also, I never thought of myself as one for depression. It was actually suggested that it might be a possibility. I was genuinely surprised. Again, since I think of my life as easy-going, I never imagined I would have depression, mild or severe. At least, not at this point in my life. And that got me thinking...even if it were true, I think I would be the type to deny it and not do anything about it.

Aaaand I just lost where I was going with this. Basically, it's not a big deal. I'm usually a chipper person who gets the occasional bad day.

Also, I feel like I messed up with something. I can't be certain, but I feel most of it was my fault. But that's also a bit of a downer, so I won't get into it.

Instead, I'll list out my plans for the month!

Backstreet Boys Cruise booking goes on sale in 2 days!!! I emailed the company organizing it asking if we could request a certain room and I was told that this year, we'd be able to select our room at booking. I emailed again asking if this one particular room would be available and she said it should be. FINGERS CROSSED!!! Me and my friend want the same room as last time. It was just in such a good location.

Deaf Coffee Night at the Block in Orange in two Fridays. Me and my friend haven't gone since June and another classmate says he wants to join so hopefully it'll be fun and I can carry a decent conversation.

Possible Disneyland trip with my elementary school friends. This one is up in the air since those people are so last minute. I actually think it won't happen (even though we kind of planned it) and will be surprised if it does.

Mickey's Halloween Party at Disneyland on the 15th! For this, I am praying that I don't have to work late. At the moment I am waiting for a client's reply if they're coming to LA that week. If they don't, GREAT! Then I only have to help my other coworker and it's easier/less stress to leave on time. If they do...then I will cry.

Moving day for Toyoshima. This isn't exactly a fun event, but it's something. We're moving to a temporary building for about 10 months while they tear down the current one and build a shiny new one. It's about 5 minutes away and while we're sharing the floor with a couple other companies, we'll be the only ones in the office space. The only good thing I guess is that we're literally right next door to our inspection company so that should make it easier when things come up.

And Halloween. It's on a freaking Wednesday this year. But I have a costume in mind! It's going to be a pair costume with my boyfriend (and I'm not saying what it is until we finish it...or we decide not to do it anymore). If we finish it in time, we're going to wear it to the Disneyland thing. If not, then whatever Halloween event after and then maybe PMX. I think it'll be cute.

For now, those are the only plans I know of. Not much actually...oh well, hopefully more stuff comes up.

Okay, that's it for now...bye! ♥