Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Backstreet Boys Cruise 2011

fair warning: since it took so long for me to get around to this, it's not going to be painstakingly detailed as it could be (which is a good thing since it'll cut it down to about 1/2 of what it could've been) but it probably will be more detailed than you care for it to be. 

after first finding out about the cruise early last year, i was determined to go. i got really lucky that Christine liked the Backstreet Boys just as much and was just as willing to go. we started planning and booked our cabin and paid the deposit around april when the booking first started (literally. we were refreshing the page like crazy until we were able to get through).

fast forward to december 1st when chris spent the night and we left for LAX early the next morning to arrive in Miami later in the day. we decided it was safer to arrive the night before the cruise to avoid any complications or mishaps with our flight and transportation. so we stayed the night at the Port of Miami Holiday Inn and did nothing but eat and lounge/sleep. and while we were at the baggage claim, we spotted AJ! and since we didn't want to bother him, we became the papparazzi and took a picture of me with him conveniently in the background. then after thinking of what would be normal to say, we passed him on our way out and Chris said, "hey AJ. we're really excited for the cruise!" and he said, "thank you!"

day 1: the next morning, we took our time getting ready and started to slowly realize we were actually going on our first cruise as arrived and saw the ship, went through the boarding process and saw the ridiculous number of girls at the terminal. i felt like i was at my all-girls high school again except this was all ages. this is going to get long, so click to read the rest...

happy new year!

i should have done this before, but you know me and procrastination! anyways, happy new year! it's the year of the dragon (my mommy's year) and that means next year is year of the snake (me! and half of my friends).

i have a couple posts that should be up already, but i wanted to write about the events in my actual journal first. and since that took a long time, the blog was put on hold. but i finally finished the BSB cruise entry around christmas and i'm halfway through my Japan trip. after those i'll put up my brief review (it's not really a review, but i can't find a better word for it) of Anime LA.

so if you're interested, look out for those. i hope everyone has a wonderful 2012. i'm going to try and make sure this year is good. last year was great. plenty of happy, fun moments, and some not-so-great moments. i hope to god the bad events don't repeat. but the things that are inevitable (like my birthday), i'm determined to make much better. when i was in japan, i got an omikuji at new year's and it was dai-kichi, so i'm using that as a starting point and making sure everything is good. at least for the first month or so while i'm still feeling it xD then laziness will probably kick in.

okay, see you later!