Monday, August 1, 2011


ok, so i'm back here. i felt like writing something and i felt bad for leaving this blog. so i decided i'll just double post my entries to tumblr.

i skipped all of july [and most of june]. and i changed my design again. i think i might've used this last year on vox. but it looks summery because of the beach and like i mentioned in one of my past entries [can't remember which one], i associate august with like a golden color.

plus it's my birthday month! how can i not post something.

but what i really wanted to vent about was drama. there is drama in nearly every aspect of my life right now. even the places i thought i'd be safe from drama.

friends - but that's kind of a given. at the moment it's not necessarily between my close friends, that just ended. but i'm sure there's some kind of drama somewhere.

home - sure every family has something going on...but ugh. this is kind of bad. when i look at my situation then look at the little things people are complaining about, i think everything else is so trivial.

work - yes, work. the place i thought i would be safe. it's not directly at me, nor do we have to deal with it constantly throughout the day, but it's there if you bring it up. and guess what. the people who are stirring it up? they're in their late 20s, 30s and even 40s!!! you're 40 years old and you're bitching about "he said, she said" shit. ugh. it's SO annoying. people claim they're mature and want to move on...but are you? psh, no.

you know the saying, "Wisest is she who knows she does not know." i think that could be switched up to be about maturity. i can't word it all pretty, but you'll get the jist. i think those who claim to be mature, are nowhere near it. because right now, i can think of two people who've said similar things and then did a total 180.

btw, that quote. i know Jostein Gaarder said it in the book, Sophie's World. but is it original? it seems like something socrates or some philosopher would say. it seems like something good to get as a tattoo. as a reminder to be humble and keep learning new things.

alright, i think that's it for now. byee! =]