Tuesday, March 27, 2012

4 years...

and a week since i was late in posting this. ^^;

it has been four years since i've "officially" been with George. i met him about six months before him asking me out and we started off as friends. that's what i thought at least. George seemed to have other intentions, hahaha. but he got close to me by becoming a friend and getting to know me. he listened to me talk about the guys i was currently crushing on and gave me advice. that must've been hard to do! he was trying to be more than friends and there i was, talking about other guys i liked. but he said that was okay and he was supportive. he said as long as he saw me happy, that was fine with him. but George was in the back of my mind. i guess we flirted in a very non-direct, subtle way...i think. i can't really remember and i'm horrible at reading signs. i tend to be in denial when i think someone likes me.

we first used Japan Club, where we first met, as a time and place for us to meet unplanned. we both didn't really care for Japan Club, we just knew the other would be there, so we'd go. heck, i had my mom drive me back to school in the evening just so i could go. of course, she didn't know my real reason. we would just watch movies or dramas on his laptop. sometimes there'd be a third friend there.

when december came and the semester ended, we had winter break and it seemed like we talked on the phone almost every night. and it never really got boring either. George likes to talk and when you get him on a certain subject, he can go on for hours. so i just sat there, listening to him. most of the time it was interesting stuff so i was actually listening. then it was the end of the january and the start of the next semester. i remember it was the first week back when George called me after class to meet up to say hi. i waited for him in front of the bookstore and i remember being nervous to see him. for the first time i was nervous to see him! that told me something. i just got self-conscious all of a sudden and couldn't really look at him.

i can't really remember details from there to sometime in the middle of february. but we went on a date to the top of Signal Hill to look at the city lights. i think around that time i suggested we "date" instead of go right into a relationship. i guess it's an old fashioned way of thinking since i couldn't really explain it myself. but i guess the best way to put it would be "exclusive dating", without the boyfriend/girlfriend titles. George was new to that, but willing. we had our first valentine's day where he gave me a rose and a picture album for us to fill up.

after some confusion on what to do (on my part) and some frustration (on George's part, because of me), he took the leap, or rather, took the run down the hill to ask me to be his girlfriend. (awwwwwww)

because i got to know him those 6 months prior, i think i was already comfortable with him. but again, i can't really remember much. i probably have some of this written in my journal at home. either way, these past 4 years have been so much fun. i know i've grown A LOT thanks to George and hopefully i've helped him see some things differently (although, probably not much =P ). he's become a very important part in my life. you know how couples say that the other person is not only their bf/gf/wife/husband/whatever, but also their best friend? i always wanted that and i think i was waiting for the that to happen with George. but after thinking recently, i think it just kind of happened without me realizing it. sure, sometimes he drives me up the wall, but i wouldn't know what to do without him. he's my boyfriend and my best friend. but simply, he's my Georgie.

i love you ♥