Wednesday, April 27, 2011

oohh, got in another april post.

just in time! hahaha

well, for small talk, the weather has been bi-polar all month. after i posted my last entry, we had a week of gloominess, a week of normal, cool, etc. it's like it can't decide if it wants to be full-fledged springtime or not yet.

i'm too lazy to try and remember what happened during the month of april. so i'll just write about the ren faire.

me and kelly went to our first renaissance faire last weekend. oh my gosh, it was so fun. i wasn't expecting much to be honest, but now we can't wait to go back. and we're going back on may 14th! steph's aunt got us tickets and amanda is joining us this time. the only thing we have to hope for now is that the garb we borrowed will be free that weekend. dressing up was half the fun! people who talked to us assumed we were regulars since we had the whole freaking outfit. down to the shoes! i'm so thankful that brian's [kelly's friend] mom let us borrow the costumes. another big part was hanging out at brian's camp. towards the end we just chilled there and was entertained into next week. the guys were slowly drinking since noon and were a total riot by the end. of course, the attention we got was nice too xD. me, kelly and steph also rode the giant bench swing. it was simple, but i thought it was so fun. i also bought a bunnie! it's handmade and just looks "old", like old-fashioned. it's also the kind that's meant for you to make clothes for. that was the only thing i bought besides a pizza for lunch.

this weekend, my work is going to las vegas!!! and this time, it's for vacation! weeee~ no work for once! iyan ryokou. we got a suite in the mirage for the first night so all the girls can drink and just crash. the second night is separate rooms, but we're all going to see the Lion King show at mandalay bay. at first it was just me and my mom but i guess the other girls were talking and decided they wanted to see it too. i'm excited for the show. i've been wanting to see it for a long time and figured the only way i'd see it was on broadway in new york. we're all so excited at work. "ベガス・ベガス・ベガス ♫"

that's it for now, bye! =]

Friday, April 1, 2011

happy april!

and it's starting to finally feel like spring. i can walk out the door without a sweater.

for goodness sakes it was freaking 80+ degrees yesterday. it was so hot.

today is also april fool's day. i never really liked april fool's day. i don't really like being the butt of jokes or being tricked. i remember the first "trick" someone played on me. i was in either 1st or 2nd grade. i don't remember how she knew me (either a play leader or some family/buddy thing) but this girl in 6th, 7th or 8th grade comes up to me in the morning when i arrived to school and asked me all excitedly, "brandi! did you see my new cat?" from what i can remember, my first thought was, "you brought your cat to school? you can do that?? i don't think so..." i like to think i was pretty observant and detail-oriented even as a little kid, but i digress. so after a second of doubt and confusion, i answered with a "no..." and she points over across the parking/play area towards the church and says something like, "yeah! right over there!" i look over, see nothing, look back and she says, "april fool's!"

honestly, i was confused. wasn't sure what had just happened, and being the unsure, self-concious child that i was, i think i kinda wanted to cry. i hated being embarrassed even if no one else thought it an embarrassing situation.

later that day i played a "trick" on a friend of mine at recess. i think we were standing around playing dodgeball (or something) and i told her, "elizabeth! you have a spider on your head!" she had a mini freak-out and then i said, "april fool's!" she didn't like it at first so i had to explain what april fools was. about a minute later she says, " have a spider on your head too!" i knew she was lying. i mean come on, think of something better and NOT a minute later. i humored her and freaked out and she laughed and said, "april fools!"

that was my first memory of april fool's. and i feel like i just told a little kid's story.

now, grown-ups can do some april fool's tricks too. theirs can be a little more convincing and cause people to have mini-heart attacks. some are harmless and cute and you can tell right away it a joke. but i feel like i walk on eggshells all day, questioning everything's validity.

anyways, enough of that. today i'm going to DISNEYLAND!!! i like how i still get excited about going even though i have a pass. i've been itching to go in the day time since me and george usually just go at night, after work. i'm actually leaving work early to meet up with everyone. amanda, her mom, gareth, stephanie and george are going. they're going to see world of color later. i don't know if i can get a fastpass for the same time/section as them (if at all) since i'm going later in the day. they're supposedly leaving between 10-11 so we'll see.

that's it for now, bye!