Monday, December 28, 2009

3 more days until new year's...


so christmas came before it even felt like christmas and now new year's is going to come before i realize the year is ending. dang.
christmas was nice. it was so lazy. me and my parents watched 2 hours of tv then me and my mom started watching the Golden Girls season 1 dvd. we finished one disc that night and now we're on the 3rd disc. then, on to season 2! haha i love that show. later we had dinner, watched Up and that was pretty much it.

i went to disneyland with lily and lauren on the 23rd and had a good time. we laughed a lot and in the car ride home, oh god, me and lauren were dying at lily's expense again. felt like highschool. after lauren went home, me and lily went to dipiazzas to see a highschool friend and his band play. they're like, punk ska i guess. that's what lily said. i can't tell genres to save my life unless it's super obvious. they were pretty good. they're called Chase Long Beach and there are 7 ppl in the band. singer, guitar, bass, 2 trumpet, trombone, drummer. i think they've changed a couple of their members since the leader [i'm assuming] said it was their 7th year together. that's a long time. but they've been touring all of america, europe, it's crazy.

tonight they're playing at HOB in anaheim, opening for Reel Big Fish so me and george are going since i always drag him to my concerts.

new year's eve i'm going to disneyland with a few people. i hope we have fun.

i am super tired right now. i only had about 2 - 2 1/2 hours of sleep. and i'm going to a concert tonight, eep! xD

Thursday, December 17, 2009


the semester is finally over. THANK GOD.

and you'd think i'd be in a happier mood. well, i'm not. i am exhausted. can stress build up on you without you even knowing it? i'm sure it's possible. like, you don't think about being stressed but when you finish whatever it is, that stress that was quietly building decides to release itself and you are just pooped.

i WISH i could've gone home after school and taken a nap because trust me, i would've slept like a log for a good couple hours. but noooo, i had to go to work. so the whole time i'm just slouched at my computer, not giving a shit how tired i look or sound. i'm not gonna pretend to be perky and answer anyone in a happy voice. they will get what they see.

*sigh* i'm also hungry. i haven't eaten anything all day except a little piece of bread cake in the morning, a slice of pizza at noon, and a little japanese snack cake about an hour ago. my stomach isn't making noises but because i'm so tired, i need more food. but at the same time, i'm too tired to eat.

tomorrow me and my mom are ditching work and going to disneyland for the day. she wants to see the christmas stuff and the last time we went together was in january for her birthday when she got in for free. then saturday is the disney movie marathon at kelly's house.

and for now, that is all.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

almost done with school

just two more finals next week and i will be free!

i won't be taking fencing anymore =[ that would have only got me 11 units and you need 12 to be considered full time. so i swapped that with a women's studies course. so no fun class next semester. now i have a total of 13 units. hopefully i'll be able to handle it. geol110 +lab, anthro120, japn350, w/st...something. i forgot the number.

but yeah. christmas is almost here! then it'll be new years- hopefully at disneyland, then ala.

today, i don't know what i'm doing. default, my mom gets on me to clean parts of the house and my dad bothers me to get wipers for my car.
i'd rather call up cathy and bake something xD which i'll hopefully be able to do later.

i guess that's it. nothing big. bye~

Friday, December 4, 2009


i guess that's the word. a weight lifted off my shoulders? breathing a sigh of relief? something like that.

my last post i was totally depressed, but the next morning, driving to school, i realized something. i can change my major to asian american studies. i knew i could've changed my major before, but i didn't know to what. i don't know why i didn't think that far before, but i could major in asam and just get a certificate in japanese.

after looking up the requirements for the certificate, i think i'm almost done with the upper-division courses. if what i've taken is good, then i don't have to retake 302 & 312 or take 451. HALLELUJAH!!! i just have to take a few electives which aren't taught in japanese anyway. SO happy.

also, i'm thinking of taking sabre fencing next semester. i read that the teacher gives crazy hard tests for just a 1 unit course, but i'm thinking of taking it cr/nc anyway. i just need to find two more classes since i'm not taking japanese anymore.

but yeah, i hope i can do that. i'll have to look into changing my major asap. i wonder if you can do it at the end of a semester.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

happy december

it is finally december and it feels like november flew by like nothing.

as of this entry, i changed my design. it's a pretty light blue with snowflakes. the green and red were a little too strong. i think it's good for winter and not just christmas.

anyways. finals are in two weeks, i have a project presentation tomorrow, and i feel like i have a bunch of other things to do. again, i build it up in my head and make it seem like it's more than it really is. i have to get letters of recommendation from my two japanese teachers, get on the application for japan, and just try and survive the next two weeks.

i registered for classes today and i think this was the first time since i've started at csulb that i've had a smooth registration. usually i'm constantly worrying about whether or not i'll make the class if i'm on waitlist or i'm just trying to decide which classes to take. really, i only get to choose two since the other two are defaulted with japanese.
...which i'm really, REALLY, not looking forward to. i don't know if it's all the stress of this semester building up, but times like this, i wish i didn't have to take those classes. i wonder why my major is still japanese if i don't enjoy it in the classroom. i know life isn't supposed to be easy, i get that and i hear it all the time. but can't life be fun? not fun and games, just fun. can't i enjoy what i'm doing? can't i do things i enjoy?

i don't know if going to japan is for me. i can't imagine myself over there by myself for a whole year. i can't even afford it. $26,000. i wonder how long i'd have to work to earn that much money, because that is A LOT of money. and since i'm feeling like this, it seems like too much work.

i'm just going to stop.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

PMX review...sorta

PMX was a lot of fun. i didn't think it was going to be so eventful, but i did a lot.
first night was the NOIZ concert and that was so cool. a little bit into it, they announced they were having a second concert the next day. THAT was cool of them to do that. they played alot of songs i didn't recognize and a few older ones that had me and kelly jumping.
after that was george's surprise birthday thing. jun and jeremy were nice enough to set up while we were at the concert, decorating the room and getting pizza and stuff. i think george liked it. we had yummy pizza and pumpkin pie. and had streamers all over the room. it looked cool xD
the second day was the NOIZ panel. we missed the first half of it but eh,they were just answering fan questions.
after the panel they were having an autograph session! the schedule only said panel so me and kelly were surprised and happy. when we were lining up for the autographs, they said first they were going to take pictures and everyone was allowed one picture with the whole band.
UchuuSentai NOIZ
UchuuSentai NOIZ

THAT was what i was waiting for since i knew they were coming back. last time they came i took a pic with them after asking them to stick their tongues out. and i did it again!
after the pictures, we got back in line to get their autographs. i bought a cd on friday so i had them sign the cover [the inside still had the old members]. i think we went to carl's jr after that while amanda and kelly went to the press panel. then later we got ready for the 2nd concert and that was pretty cool as well. completely new setlist and kelly was down in front taking pictures.
then...i don't remember exactly what we did. but i know we took alot of purikura that day. at night we went to the dance. that was fun too. jesse was there and he danced with us. dj ouji [i forgot his real name] had more of a hiphop sound and played "sexy bitch" and i started spazzing. that's one of my favorite songs to turn up in my car right now and the fact i could hear it at a ridiculous volume and dance to it was amazing. i was singing and jumping like crazy. but i wish i had someone else who liked the song as well. we left maybe toward the end of tweek's set. we were getting tired xD
so i guess it's sunday at this point. amanda was going to shower and sleep when krista, rachel, and andy came into our room. there was drama going on and yeah. needless to say, amanda didn't shower right away and later on we went on bathroom adventures. we went to sleep around 6am.
we were pretty lazy the next morning. packed and ready, we were just watching tv until we absolutely had to leave the around 2pm xD
me and kelly went to the deco room and if you bought something of their''s, you could use their supplies and decorate the shit out of something. so kelly bought something to decorate her phone. i wanted to decorate something but didn't have i decided on blingin up my camera. it's pink and sparkly now. i wish i had brought a mirror or something to i could decorate that. but eh. i like it =] i still have to get used to it. everytime i look at it, i'm still surprised xD.
anyways. that was my weekend. at the end, some of us went to disneyland to watch the Remember fireworks that they brought back for that weekend.

Friday, November 6, 2009

quick update

since i haven't done anything in about a month @_@

i can't remember/don't have the time right now to go back over stuff that happened since my last update. i know i went to disneyland a few times, party at kelly's house and amber's house, stuff at school, I GOT A B ON MY PAPER!!! :D and that's all i can get off the top of my head right now.

i'm at work and i'm only gonna be here until 12 or so since I'M GOING TO PMX!!! woo~ hehe capslock happy. anyways yeah. gotta still pack and that means over packing since i never know exactly what i'm going to wear. i figure if i bring enough, i can pick and choose when i'm there depending on event and mood. OH! and there's a purikura machine this year. SO COOL. i hope it doesn't break down halfway through con. but it seems legit so i think it'll be fine. AND! it's open 24hours of the con! now that's cool. we can have at it at 1am when hopefully it's not as crowded.
there's also a concert i wanna go to tonight. three hours and FOUR acts. FOUR! what? are two of them only getting 30mins then the other two get an hour? 45mins? UchuuSentai NOIZ is here again since 3 years ago when they first came. i hope we can take a picture with them again. that was really cool.

anyways. i guess that's it for now. bye~

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

jack johnson

is perfect for rainy days.

i got in my car this morning and "upside down" from the curious george movie was playing and it just fit. that's one of my top two favorite songs from that movie and i suddenly felt really happy. i just wanted to go back home, snuggle on my couch and have jack johnson playing in the background like a movie.

don't you ever want that? have a song play in the background like on tv? like the soundtrack of your life. you'd be walking along, either feeling really good, really depressed, or just thinking about something and then the music comes up. sure you could use and ipod/mp3 player to get that effect but i dunno. that's just what popped in my head this morning when i heard that song and i think it'd be so cool.

so yeah, i got to wear my rainboots today. i still avoid puddles out of habit but when i do step in one, it's so fun! like, "ha! i stepped in a puddle and my feet didn't get wet. take that, puddle." xD i love rainy days like this. it's so nice. such a change and it's REALLY nice. =]

i'm in a good mood. now if my makeup that i ordered would get here already, i'd be in an even better mood.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

excitement is dwindling

so i don't think kelly's halloween party is actually going to be on halloween. which sucks in my opinion.

i got all excited that i was actually going to DO something on halloween with a bunch of other people. i honestly can't remember what i did for the past few halloweens besides last year's. so now i don't know what i'm going to do on halloween.

i went to the fabric store with my mom today and got stuff for mine and george's costumes. i don't think they'll be done in time for the party though. and that's why i'm disappointed. they'll be done by halloween but what am i going to do then? if i've got nothing, i'm going out and taking pictures of myself.

Friday, October 9, 2009

another hellacious week, done.

is that a word? hellacious? i'm pretty sure it is. the spelling i'm a bit iffy on, but i think i'm using it the right way.

so yeah. this week i had another 4pg paper and a midterm. and the midterm i totally forgot about until the night before which was the same night i wanted to really work on my paper. well, since the paper wasn't due until the day after the test, i decided to try and study. HAH. i actually don't remember how much i studied. i think i was really tired and kept falling asleep so i just looked over my notes the next morning. i know i didn't do so hot on the test...but maybe i at least passed? god i hope so. yeah, the grades aren't up yet. on my critical thinking midterm i got a 113 out of 150. that's like a solid C, right? alberto? haha.

anyways. so i know what i'm going to be for halloween and i'm excited. and george is going to be matching with me! wee~ how fun! kelly's having a halloween party/bbq at her house...most likely on the 31st. people are voting between that and the 24th but i think it'll be on halloween. YAY =]

today at lunch i'm going to one of those warehouse halloween stores that pop up around this time of year and see if there's anything i can get for our costumes. then after work i'm going to hang out with george! maybe we can watch monsters inc. this time =]

Thursday, October 1, 2009


this week is finally over. well, the school week is over. no friday classes, woo!

anyway. i changed the color of my layout again since the last entry. it's still pink, but last time it was a "minimalist pink" or something like that. white and a standard pretty pink. i felt that was a little too bright and i wanted something that could ease into autumn, so i found this cute sophisticated looking design. i think it's nice.

well, none of my neighbors are updating their blog. *ahem* but eh xD there's only four of us.

i've been watching A LOT of youtube videos lately. mosty ones on hair and makeup and i decided i wanted to start making my own videos. so i created a new account and made a pretty profile page...but haven't made any videos yet xD. mostly because i've been busy the past two weeks with school. i'm going to be busy this week too because i have ANOTHER essay to write. i just finished a five page [crap] essay and now i have to do another. ugh. i hate school.
anyway. yeah, i want to make videos but i don't know what to do. every single makeup look has been done and it has been done 10 times over by so many different girls. sure, adding another one won't hurt, but i want something a little more original. i have noticed that i don't do my eye makeup as dramatic as the videos i've seen. i'm pretty sure the tutorials they do aren't meant for everyday, but even on special occasions, i don't do my makeup the way i've seen in twenty other videos.
hm. maybe that could be the "unique" thing i can start with.

school has been a little stressful the last week. since i put off a paper i basically had about 3 days to do it. it was a bunch of bs and i didn't end up citing anything...which could be a bad thing. i didn't directly quote anything but i'm not very good at citing things. if i absolutely had to, i'd be citing everything.
i had my first midterm today and i didn't study as much as i could have and that cost me 20 points for sure [out of 150]. i'm expecting my score to be between 120 and 130. i know i won't get 130, but it's in that range. i'd be a little sad if i get under 110. between 110 and 120 is still ok i guess.

hopefully i can hang out with george tomorrow and just chill. maybe watch a disney movie or something. too bad there's so mickeyroni. why is there no mickeyroni?! >o<

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pink's concert...

was SO much fun!!! thank you george for letting me drag you along and putting up with it. at least you got to enjoy a couple [non-pink] songs, right? xD

yeah, i don't want to do a whole review since i suck at those, but it was really really cool. the ting tings opened for her and played about 5-6 songs maybe. i knew about 3 of them. they were pretty cool.

pink was amazing. from her entrance to her exit. all her costumes were very pretty or very weird [in a good way]. since she injured herself at the vma's, she couldn't do all her aerial acrobatic stuff she usually does. she had one of her dancers do it for her. but she did do a little bit using the silk at the end for the last song. i thought it was kind of odd to have a slow song to close the show since i'm used to giant numbers to go out with a bang, but she made it work. it was very nice.
singing to all her songs was so fun. she seems like such a chill person. she would talk to us sometimes in between songs and at one point she said, "you want to get a tattoo? sure i'll sign it" and she hopped off the stage and after telling a security to hold her mic xD she signed a girl's arm, hugged and gave her a kiss. i thought that was cool. i wouldn't really want to tattoo an artist's name on myself, but the fact pink went off and did that was nice. if you're reading this, you're either thinking, "oh cool" or "big deal, lots of ppl do that." well i don't know that. this was the first time i've seen it done so i think it's cool.

anyways, yeah i had fun =]

last night i went to disneyland with lauren. she texted me while i was at cvs buying some makeup so i asked after i got home and lauren picked me up 30 mins later. she had never seen fantasmic so i was determined to have her watch it. i had a whole plan on when to get a spot, and it worked. it was to hang out at the other side of the park until 9pm then head over to frontierland/new orleans area. go on pirates and look in the stores until the fireworks ended and after the crowd cleared, grab a spot. if we waited until after fireworks to make our way there, we would've been stuck in the cattle herd to wait for the first group to clear out. so we sat for about 30 minutes talking about random stuff and then the show started. she liked it =]

then i finally bought my blankie!! there's this brown blanket me and george saw almost a year ago and it's super soft. thing is, it's around $35. so after i found out about the birthday fun card, i decided i was going to buy that blanket. and i did! and i'm glad. it's so soft and fluffy and fuzzy and cozy and warm. ^_____________^ perfect for snuggling in winter. i should take a picture of it. i haven't posted a picture on here in a long time.

oh and i just updated my blog's theme. it's pink!

Friday, September 18, 2009

concert on "Us Day"

so, today is me and george's 1 1/2 year anniversary!!!

AND it's the day of PINK'S CONCERT!!! :D

i'm excited, but at the same time, i'm not. i'm usually not super excited for concerts until the music starts and i see the performer. i can wait in line all day then wait in the venue an hour until it starts but it won't hit me until i see the actual performer.
i just hope our potentially bad seats are tolerable. but i keep telling myself we won't be the only ones in that section and ppl behind me might have it worse. so yeah xD

i've been looking forward to her concert ever since i found out she was doing a US tour and was stopping at the staples center. hm, when would that be...i don't remember xD i know it was the beginning of summer. so for a good 3-4 months. EEEEE! :D

george said he's going to bring his fully charged iPhone and play with that xD i don't know what giant stadium shows are like. this is going to be crazy. her performances are amazing. AND SHE ACTUALLY SINGS!!! haha and she sings while she's up in the air doing acrobatics. just watch the vma performance to know what i'm talking about. i don't know why i like pink so much. she's just funny, cool, and not a ditzy girl. anyways. i'll stop rambling. i'll update after the show sometime.

Monday, September 14, 2009

D23 Expo pt. 2

yesterday me and george went to the last day of d23 expo.

we actually got there a little late and missed something big we wanted to see. we wanted to see a panel/presentation of imagineering pixar and disney animation [something close to that] with john lasseter. we got to the arena area like 15 minutes after 11 and it started at 11am. so that sucked. george said we should get in line to wait for the wizards thing since there was already a line forming. the thing started at 2! geez people. anyways. i felt really bad that we missed it so i suggested we go to the other two panels george wanted to see.

one was science of imagineering which was cooler than i thought it'd be and we could've got back in line for wizards after but then we would've missed the second panel we wanted to see. we could've even gotten back our original spot since the lady behind us was nice enough to offer to hold our spots. but we told her it was okay since we were going to something else.
after the science one was imagineering pixar for disney parks and john lasseter was going to be at that one too. that one was in the middle of the wizards thing, but we already missed one lasseter panel so i didn't want to miss another. i was a little bummed that i didn't see the wizards thing but eh, the other panels were pretty cool and i didn't have to deal with a bunch of screaming people.

we were going to watch the toy story double feature presentation but decided not to while waiting for the second panel. george didn't get any sleep again and it was going to end around 11pm, really late for a sunday. so we passed. it's not a big loss, just the two movies in 3D. we can still see it in theatres when it comes out.

anyways, we left after the last panel and went to george's house. first we got el pollo loco though, it was yummy. then we took a nap for a couple hours and then he took me home. i could not sleep. i was doing random stuff until like, 4? around 4am. i thought about staying up all night but i figure i'd try to sleep a little. and i did. since i took my time in the morning, i also found out that i could get to school around 10:30 and there would be some random parking spots starting to open.
i absolutely need to get sleep tonight though. my 9:30am class is absolutely brutal. the teacher is a nice old man but he can put you to sleep! the material is dry and ugh. it's kind of hard to follow. i hope it gets better.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

D23 Expo pt. 1

so yesterday me and george went to the D23 expo.

and wow. it was so cool. we walked in the main hall and i didn't know where to look. i wanted to point at everything and be like, "omg, look at that!" we only saw one presentation but that was probably the best presentation EVER.

it was about the upcoming show in dca, world of color. the imagineer, steven davison was there to tell us everything he could about it. the story it goes through is incredible, the transitions [at least the ones he told us] seem really cool and smooth. all the fountains, lights, fire, and synchronization seem INSANE. i keep using that word to describe this show because really, that's what it'll be. everything seems so complicated but the way he was talking, it's like they got it down and it's nothing for them.
i am SO EXCITED for it. and it opens next spring! so less than a year. psh, me and george are going opening night. i don't care what school or test i have the next day xD i am going to have my butt in california adventure and i'm going to watch the show dammit. he agreed. haha.

anyways, we were supposed to go today as well but he called me around 9am and said he was too tired so he was going to skip today. that made me a little disappointed. he suggested that i take someone else using his wristband but i'm being selfish and i don't want to share with anyone. i want to go with him. then he was like, "if you really want to go, i'll stay up and go." yeah, like i was going to make him go with no sleep. there wasn't anything i really had to see today, but i just wanted to go and look around. you know, make use of that $111.
i want another picture with wall-e because the one we took wasn't that great. oh! i still have to look up our pictures from online. george said that if he wakes up later in the afternoon we could still go to disneyland because i kinda wanted to go today after the expo. we didn't end up going yesterday bc the shoes i was wearing were hurting my feet and i didn't want to walk anymore.

we are going tomorrow though. for sure. tomorrow's the thing with the cast of wizards of waverly place [and a surprise performance at the end]! i'm excited to see them. i don't know what the performance is though. oh, i just looked it up because i read about it somewhere before. honor society is performing. i should see what they're like. but yeah, that's the main thing we're doing tomorrow along with the presentation of toy story 3 and then the premiere of the double feature of toy story and toy story 2 in 3D. tomorrow will be a busy-ish day.

Monday, September 7, 2009

good morning

and happy labor day. i'm actually up before 12...on a day where i don't have school.

anyways. two days ago was the hangout/kick back thing at kelly's house. it was cool, but i honestly didn't have as much fun as usual. i really don't know why. maybe it was the people that were there? like the 4 new people i've never met/hung out with before. maybe i felt i just couldn't totally be myself around them since i didn't know them. it's this weird thing i have, it's why i'm quiet usually when i first meet someone. i need to see what they're like, what they do, how they react to things before i do anything.
at one point i was just sitting on the arm of the couch just watching people do whatever [and i got a free show from sam, kerry, and cookie xD]. a few people kept asking if i was alright, if i was tired or something. george talked to me at one point and i don't know why but i felt like crying. i wanted to leave but i didn't. i wanted to because i wasn't having much fun and i didn't want to because i'd probably be more depressed at home at the fact that i actually left and people are still having fun. raven tried talking to me and i had to stop myself from crying so he just said that he was there if i wanted to talk. kerry kept asking several times if i was okay. cookie just kept bugging me to stop being emo and that got old real fast.
the kitty she had was adorable, though. at the end of the night it pretty much mauled my hand but kitten bites don't really hurt. they just get itchy later xD.

yesterday was a chill day. i woke up around 1pm, ate something, watched tv, vaccumed when the parents were out, and more tv. when they came back i helped with dinner. i actually cooked something! [kinda xD] it was couscous. the package said israeli pasta. i've had it in restaurants before but this was a little different. it reminded me of the pasta in this turkey lemon flavored soup from souplantation in april or something. i loved it. anyways, this wasn't instant. you had to cook it first with water like regular pasta then you had to flavor it to taste. that was the first time i got to throw random crap into food to my liking. so i put in pepper, salt, garlic salt, and basil. there was still very little flavor so my mom put in chicken bouillon powder i think. that gave it more flavor so from there i just added water to thin out the flavor since it was too salty. it came out pretty good in my opinion. i liked it. so much that i didn't get to eat much mashed potatoes xD.

in the 30-40 mins i've been up, i watched fuji's newest vlog, checked email, and looked through charlotte russe's website. they're having a 20% storewide [online only] sale. i was so close to buying something when i realized there is a CR in lakewood mall and i'm hanging out with george today. so that works out. if they don't have whatever i was looking for, i can just order it online back at his house! it's perfect xD i'm just wanting some bracelets and new accessories right now. i've been watching a lot of youtube lately, mostly on makeup stuff. and i came across this one girl, suzit86, who's chinese and lives in london and she's so cute. anyway, i liked her style on a couple of her videos so that's what i'm trying to get at right now. it's why i cut my bangs xD
anyways, i'll probably get out a bed soon, eat something and then just wait for george to wake up and call me so we can hang out. i might update later, i might not.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


the goddamn dragon will FINALLY debut tonight.

it was supposed to debut like 5 million times throughout summer. it never came out during summer. the thing they were advertising nightastic with was BROKEN for 3 whole months and it never showed.
so they were planning to have a press/media event yesterday morning [when it was still dark] and then debut it at night. me, george, kelly, & her mom were planning to go. in the afternoon we find out they cancelled the media event an hour before it was going to start and obviously cancelled the nighttime debut. but we went anyway.

today i get a text from kelly saying the stupid thing is debuting tonight. george was on the boat right away saying, "ok, let's go! i've got no homework." so then after figuring out whether or not her mom was going and if we had a ride, me, kelly, and george are going. at this point, george is already there probably to hang out and save us a good spot. kelly's mom is taking us after i get out of work. i guess she's tired and doesn't want to stay. i wonder if that'll change xD

but yeah. we will finally see the friggin dragon...thing better be cool enough. will update later tonight.

it's the next day, but whatever. i was too tired last night.

so we saw the dragon. george was right up front with his towel saving us a spot. the show was so cool. cooler than it usually is. and when the scene where maleficent first comes out, people started cheering because they knew what was coming. and after the water fan went down and the dragon was there, oh man. we went nuts. well, me, kelly, and the people i could hear around me did xD. IT WAS SO COOL. i don't know what other words to use. haha but fire didn't come out from its mouth xD that was the only thing that we noticed didn't work. but eh, we know it can do it because the rehearsal video had it doing it.

yeahh, so happy we got to see it when it first came out...on september freakin 1st. 3 WHOLE MONTHS. xD

Sunday, August 30, 2009

last day of summer!

oh no! i want more summer!! T-T

anyways, date night was fun. we had sushi, rented 17 Again, did some shopping at target, and had no luck at best buy. haha they only had the black headphones.
one bad thing was the sushi we had apparently wasn't totally fresh, or something. later that night, me and george both had problems xD it was not fun at all. he was fine by the next morning but my tummy was still queazy throughout the day.

last night we went to school because we knew the bookstore had skullcandy. they had quite a few color choices and they had silver! so i chose silver and george got those and his books. then we went to downtown disney to look at the sunglass store. george was pretty set on the maui jims he saw at del amo so i told him to just get those because he wouldn't be able to choose another one since he liked those so much. i paid for half since he was iffy about paying so much for them. he just better take care of them!! kidding =] but really, take care of them.
then we were hungry and george remembered woodranch and he took me there. i would have enjoyed it a lot more if it wasn't for my uneasy tummy. but the salad i did have was good. we went to his house and finished the drama we had started last semester. it was a bittersweet ending like all the other dramas we watched. can't they ever make a happy ending??

today is my last day of summer before school starts [which is tomorrow] so i got the idea to go to guppy's in the morning. i called up cathy, alberto, and kelly and i forgot cathy was in SD. she said she might be able to meet up with us if we're still out by the time she gets back. kelly has to go to church at 5:30 so i'm trying to start it a little later. it'd be easier if she got a ride there and we just started gathering up at guppy's first. but we'll see how it goes. i sent a msg to ppl on facebook. if not many ppl are interested, it could just be me, kelly, alberto and george. and then cathy [+bro&cousins?] can come later.

i'll try to update later tonight on what happened.

so we went to guppy's. it was only me, kelly, george, and alberto. i forgot i told cathy that i'd keep her updated and assumed she knew we were going so she didn't end up coming. we also didn't know what time she came back, so yeah. oops xD it was nice just the four of us. we ordered more food than we usually do when we go with 8 ppl, which was funny.
we went to george's house afterwards for a while. watched a few eps of big bang theory snd me and george built the lego set he bought yesterday.

i think it was a nice, chill last day of summer =] now i have to wake up early for school. eh. it's 1:30am right now xD i should sleep. i'm trying to upload a video to photobucket but it's taking forever. rahh.

anyways, goodnight and thank you, summer. i had a great time =]

Friday, August 28, 2009

date night!

i'm going on a date with george tonight! =]

he's going to take me out for sushi. yum! then we're probably going to best buy to see if they have the headphones i want. i've been wanting some skullcandy lowrider headphones but never actually went out to buy them. i wanted the white and silver ones but i don't even think they make those anymore or something. i see them when i search through google images but they're not on the skullcandy website. now their only silver is like a darker, chrome silver. so i'm going to have george pick a color for me. i love all their colors and want all of them so i can use them as accessories to my outfits xD so him picking one for me will eliminate me having to choose and end up not getting one.
that's usually why i never bought one. i couldn't decide on what color i wanted.

we might watch 17 Again if we rent it. i watched it last night at cathy's with kelly and alberto and it was hilarious. we were laughing out loud a lot. i have a new respect for zac efron's acting. oh! and there was a preview before the movie for zac efron. i forgot what it was called, but it takes place in the 40s or something...long time ago. i love the fashion of that era and yeah. anyways, he looked a lot more grown up and it actually looked kind of interesting.
so in 17 Again, he's a pretty good actor. well, i dunno. i'm horrible at judging whether things are good or not. usually i think everything is good unless it is REALLY bad. maybe his acting just seemed better because it wasn't highschool musical. i had never seen him in anything but HSM so i wasn't sure he could do much else. but i liked his character.

yeah, this was just a quick update. my dad is coming home tomorrow so i hope he has a safe flight. i start school on monday [eek! x_x] and SHOOT. i need to order my books. dang i forgot again. i should do that, like, now. haha ok, that's what i'll go do. bye!

Monday, August 24, 2009

i'm home!

so i came home yesterday. after landing, i pretty much went straight to disneyland to meet up with friends to celebrate MY BIRTHDAY!!!

there were some snags, like people being late in the morning and lily being a booger because she lied to me. but it was still a fun day. super tiring though. we parked all the way in freaking simba parking so walking back at night was harsh. my feet were screaming at me and they're still in pain.
george~ i want a massage.

the rest of my massachusetts trip wasn't so bad i guess. we went to boston and looked at the historical stuff there, i made blueberry pancakes in the morning, it rained so i got out of mowing the lawn again xD. and the last night they got me a cake! i said i wanted ice cream cake so that's what they got. but it was ALL ice cream. not half ice cream, half cake like baskin robin's has or whatever...this was half vanilla ice cream, half choco ice cream, and frosting. it was so yummy. but frozen, so it was hard to cut.

anyways, i'm at work now. me and mommy picked up gigi from boarding at lunch and i gave her a quick bath since she was a little dirty. i'm glad she's home. i'm glad i'm home. not so glad i'm starting school next week but i'm going to try and look at it like it's not a bad thing. you know how i made that list of things i wanted to do in the summer? well i'm going to make another list. things i want to do during the fall semester. basically up until christmas, new year, and until spring semester starts. that way i'll have something to look forward to, something to do besides just school work. i'll throw in a few fun things so i'll make plans that will help me unwind if i've had a bad week. i'll post it once i get most of it down. i'll be adding to it throughout the semester so yeah. just look for the note on facebook.

so yeah, i'm now 20 years old. young. whatever. i turned 20. and it didn't really feel like my birthday. i was on a plane, i had to worry about stuff, and no one sang to me. for the past few birthdays, i always went out to dinner with my friends in a fairly large group and at some point, everyone sang to me. it wasn't like i was expecting it, but i thought about it and that's what was missing yesterday. well, i got my cake and my parents + uncle sang to me, so that's good. sigh. well, i don't really have anything to say about turning 20. sure i'm not in my teens anymore and it sounds more grown up and whatnot. but eh. and it's not because it's another filler like 19 until you turn 21. 20 is just as important to me as 21. mostly because in japan, 20 is like our 21. and the whole kimono thing i did in january, that was something girls do when they turn 20.

i guess that's it. i'm still really sore and tired -_-

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"shipping off to boston"

stupid vox wouldn't let me type anything last night >< now my entry will have to be short and rushed.

well, the title is the song used by the red sox pitcher, jonathan papelbon, #58. the beginning part at least. the singing part i'm not too crazy about. anyways, yeah. i thought that'd be a good title...even though i've been in boston. and i'm currently in new hampshire as i write this.

anyways. i'm leaving NH soon after breakfast and we're heading back down to MA stopping at a few places like an outlet and a mall.
i'm really tired of this heat and i just want to go home and sleep in my own bed. last night was the first night i slept on a real bed. every night before that i've been sleeping on an air mattress and it's starting to take its toll on my lower back.

umm...i really hope nothing goes wrong with sunday >_< i really hope chris lets me know soon.

i don't think i can update or check this when i get back to MA. the internet connection is too slow and it takes too long for vox to load. so, until i get back to CA, bye~ =]

Thursday, August 6, 2009

good night, bad day.

my day isn't going all that well today.
i woke up and was on my way to work so my mom could take me to my dentist appointment. when i was 3 minutes away, she calls and asks where i am. i told her on vermont and she asks, "you said you were here when i called earlier." i had told her i had just left the house. and then she says, "you know you have an appt. i told you to come before 9:30." i was in the middle of saying "i know" when she hangs up on me. i absolutely hate it when she hangs up on me. so i throw my phone to the passenger seat and yell "DON'T HANG UP ON ME!!!" i wish i could've yelled it to her.
so i get in her car which was waiting for me outside the parking lot and she's all huffy and whatnot because i barely got there at 9:30 and starts going off about how it's an appt and i can't always to be late to things and next time to drive myself. after that the car ride was silent except for the radio. at the dentist office, after i sign in she goes off to the bank because the receptionist said it'd be about an hour. i finish in 40 minutes, call her and leave a message since she never hears or answers her effing phone, then wait outside for about 15 minutes. after she gets there she asks how long i've been waiting and her reply was "she said it would take an hour." in a tone of "don't blame me, SHE said an hour so that's what i was expecting." which was totally unnecessary, she could've just said nothing.
we get to the office and there are more boxes from Free People for me to go through and check. well they screwed up again and sent something extra. so i sent an email and they better fix the invoice accordingly for the extra pieces because we are not paying for those. and i still can't find the purple skirt that went missing so i'm just going to send the 6pcs and later have my mom send a check from me for the missing skirt to the people paying since they're paying for 7, not 6 pieces. i figure i lost it or misplaced it possibly thrown it away, so i'll just pay the $43.

this whole time i was hungry since i didn't get to eat breakfast. so i went out and bought myself carl's jr. i'm still kind of peeved at my mom but i can tell her touchyness is wearing off and she's becoming normal. ugh. i don't want to be at work. i haven't gone to the warehouse today but apparently some boxes came in, so kurt's in there by himself. bobby told cathy and alberto they didn't have to come today, so they didn't. and they're missing out on a day's worth of work because bobby couldn't find out exactly when the boxes would come in. they're coming tomorrow, but i don't know how much stuff will be left for them. bobby's lack of organization and inexperience is bugging me. and now my two girl coworkers pretty much hate each other. er a23hrHOgtarjklnh;O ndga I WANT TO GO HOME T^T

last night was fun. me and alberto went to cathy's house and later, the 3 of us plus benji and steven went to get boba and rent a movie. on the way to boba, that was fun. cathy drove and we rolled down the windows and sang to taylor swift [no radio]. then we needed a new song so we sang to the radio. it was cool. then on the way back to albertson's, we heard the song "I Got a Feeling" by Black Eyed Peas and that song makes me feel good and think that the night really is going to be a good night. and it was.
at cathy's house we watched Yes Man. it was pretty funny. kinda weird at some parts but it's a jim carrey film, so i guess.

tomorrow i'm supposed to go shopping with george and saturday is santa monica beach with some friends. i still don't want to be here...

Monday, August 3, 2009

weekend recap

i forgot what i did last thursday. i most likely hung out with george. oh, we watched ghostbusters. george was playing the ghostbusters game and i said i'd never seen it before...he was kind of surprised so we went and rented it. funny thing was when we were leaving, we told his mom where we were going and she said, "oh don't worry, i've never seen it either." xD george's reaction was funny.
anyway, i only got about half way through the movie until i got sleepy. long day at work again, that was when we needed to get everything done so the boxes could be ready for shipment. and everyone except my mom was in the warehouse running around and working. HAH. that's how it should always be in my opinion [minus my coworkers]. but circle group should always be there working since it's THEIR thing and THEIR job to do the quality/quantity check. but of course they conveniently have paperwork so they can't.

friday was slow at work. since the major thing as done there were only a few boxes to go through and those were easy. we were done by lunch so i went to quiznos with alberto and he went home after that.
that night i went to george's house again and watched more ghostbusters. i got most of the second half...and fell asleep before the giant Stay Puft marshmallow man came out. i think. dang i forgot.
i know we finished the movie friday because we watched it again in "Slimer Mode" where it's like a commentary.

saturday was my work's barbecue. THERE WAS A JUMPER!!!! omg it was so fun. me and my mom had our fun in it before everyone came. george and alberto came by. the food was yummy. there were a lot of little kids running around. it was also cold too! darn wind.
me and george were planning to go to disneyland after but he was a little tired so instead we returned ghostbusters and rented ghostbusters 2. ghostbusters 2 wasn't on bluray so there wasn't any special features.

yesterday i got to sleep in a little and be lazy. me and my mom went grocery shopping later and after that i started to change the posters in my room. i'm just taking down an older poster-calendar and replacing it was a newer one. i don't actually use it as a calendar, it's better as posters. i only got one new one up and a second old one down when george called.
we went to koraku for ramen and then actually went to disneyland this time. but we only stayed for a little bit xD we hunted for cotton candy first then watched the fireworks behind the castle. then i dragged george on the carrousel and felt totally giddy on it. i felt really good that night. then george told me about a commentary on Wall-E where "geeks" just talk throughout the movie so i wanted to watch it. we went back to his house and got maybe halfway through the movie before i had to go home. oh we also bought mickeyroni so we're gonna cook that next time and finish the dvd =]

today at work is a normal day. no warehouse whatsoever and it is NICE. but it starts again tomorrow T_T i'm starting to hate the warehouse and all those stupid brown boxes. sigh.
because george cleaned his room i kinda also want to. that's why i started with the posters. get a different look in my room. i'd clean my room up but it's a little harder because i can't really throw everything away like he did. i really don't have room for all the stuff. my mom kept saying we'd get the boxes from under my bed that have old fabrics and stuff and then i could put more clothes [like winter clothes when i'm not using them] and other stuff under there. i can only tidy up so much, but stuff will still be there. me and my packrat-ness xD

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


every night this week and some of last week, i've been really exhausted at night.
why? because i'm actually working. and not office stuff, but actually moving around, carrying big heavy boxes, unpacking/packing said boxes, standing all day. very tiring.

today i dropped off kelly first since me and alberto decided to meet her cousins from spain. we get to her house and have ice cream first thing. then we were hungry and wanted real food so we cooked up some hamburgers from the bbq and right when we were going to start eating, her cousins from back from grocery shopping or whatever they were doing. since alberto can speak spanish, he was chatting away from the start along with kelly's mom. kelly understands most of what they're saying but sometimes she'd turn to me and say, "i got as much as you did," after her cousin would explain something xD

so they keep talking and we're looking at old pictures and then me and kelly got bored so we looked for disneyland in one of those maps that people keep in cars and don't use anymore unless you're ariel hahah. we found disneyland, my school, and her school. then i wanted to find people in the phonebook. the only one we found was george! i forgot his parents' names but it was under "Velez, J S" and had the address and phone number. i tried taking a pic f it with my phone but the quality sucks. so kelly took it with hers and then we tried sending it to my phone via bluetooth. our stupid phones couldn't find each other. they would always find her mom's blackberry and her cousin's macbook. we tried sending it to her mom's phone then send it to me from there. well, kelly's and her mom's phone connected fine but the picture? "error sending file." damnit. so she said she'll just send it to me online or something.

anyways, finally we got bored of everything else and were getting tired. i couldn't really say anything to alberto because he seemed like he was enjoying himself and there was no way i could interrupt the conversation. one person was always explaining something or they were watching videos. finally around 11 i tell alberto we should go since we both have work the next day and we leave.

but yeah. i'm tired. i just thought i'd write here before i crash. i wish i could sleep past my alarm, i can't wake up in the morning.

Monday, July 27, 2009

invasion and barbecues

i think i'm overdo on a post.

the invasion.

that was fun. i didn't go for all seven days, but i went the first 4. i wrote about it in my journal already and i don't really wanna write it here again. we basically rode all the rides and saw all the shows and got a picture and autograph of every character we saw. it was also really hot. the weather is definitely in summer time mode now. it's nice because you don't have to worry about a random cold day like in early june. you can plan most anything outside and it'll work. it's not so nice because, well, it's hot. and hot can get annoying.

anyway, yeah. the invasion was a success and we've already got future invasions lined up.

next thing, the barbecue party.
that was pretty cool. close to 30 people came! i think that's the most we've had at kelly's house so far xD. people brought a lot of food. there was a lot of hamburger meat left over and tweek left his chicken there. people were chilling outside, playing taboo, apples to apples, brawl, clue, poker. so many things were going on at once, it was great. the only thing that wasn't so great was towards the end. there's this card game called '13' because it's played with four people and each gets thirteen cards. it's not easy to explain and apparently you need to figure out a strategy, guess the other players moves, and remember what's been played already. it might sound complicated, and i'm making it sound that way. i barely learned to play that night and i still don't have it down completely. i can probably play, just not very well. anyway, people kept rotating in and out of the games and whenever i played, someone would help me. either cathy, benji, or rob. then i decided to play and game by myself with no help. peter was in this game. well, i put down 3 cards that no one could beat and that meant i could play whatever i wanted. all i had in my head was that i could put whatever i wanted. so i put 2 cards down. i didn't know that a straight needed to consist of 3 cards [i put a 9 and 10]. so when peter said i couldn't do that, i was confused. i was just thinking i could put whatever since it was my turn. then cathy was trying to explain that a 9, 10 didn't work. i still wasn't processing what they were saying and didn't understand why i couldn't put down my two cards. i thought they were saying i needed three cards since i previously put down three cards, so i told them that i could put whatever i wanted. but because i didn't understand the 'straight' rule, i didn't get it. finally i think i understood what they were saying and why i couldn't do that and played something else.
by that time i was frustrated and being bombarded with people yelling at me and each other. peter was yelling at me about what cards i was using and cathy and rob were yelling at peter that this was the first time i played the game. then he understood why i didn't know what i was doing. but then i heard him say to brian, ''i didn't know/think she was that dumb.'' [something really close to that] i pretended to listening to cathy and hatien and not hear what he said. then he said to brian, ''ok, i don't think she heard me." and i said, "i'm not dumb!" and brian said to him, "uh yeah, she did hear you."
i don't remember if peter said anything after that because i tuned him out and was focusing on not crying. when people yell at me like that when i don't know what i'm doing, my reaction is to cry. so i was fighting not to cry and keeping my lip from quivering so i just put down the rest of my cards and said i didn't want to play with peter anymore. he tried to get me to stay and play again and so did other people i think, but i kept saying i didn't want to play with peter anymore and just left to the other room. when the bathroom was open i went in there and cried a little. i don't understand why he'd say that. maybe he would say he before he knew it was my first time playing, and maybe to my face as a joke. but he said it after the fact cathy pointed out i had never played before and tried to keep me from hearing it. that's what throws me off. sigh.
it still makes me kind of sad when i think about it.

moving on.

i want to go to santa monica beach and pier. apparently i've been to both and but don't remember. i'm seeing if people would be interested in going, if not, i'd still go with george anyway. but it'd be cool if more people go.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

drama and shoes

is it wrong not to feel sorry for someone? is it the same as simply not caring about the situation and therefore being indifferent to it? or is it something completely different and just plain cold?
because thanks to certain friends' drama and stuff, i don't feel sorry for them anymore. most of our group probably hates the second person now after what they did, but i've been indifferent to them. i'm still indifferent to that second person. everyone probably feels sorry for the first person because of what the second person did, but i since i don't hate the second person, i don't feel sorry for the first person.
and unless you know the situation, that probably confused you xD
i just think both of them are dumb.
anyways, on a lighter note: i went shoe shopping! my mommy bought me some shoes :3
i've been wanting wedge shoes lately and i thought those were cute. they can be worn into the fall too since they're brown.
do you like them george? they're brown~ ^_____^
i also got some flipflops. the flipflops are more of a bronze-ish though. i don't know why they look silver in the pic. they're also kinda squishy so it feels good when i walk. i wanted some that could get wet and not get damaged, like if i wear them to disneyland and go on a water ride.

flippy floppies

Sunday, July 12, 2009

my weekend

so me and geroge went to disneyland last wednesday. we got our bread bowl and while looking for a seat, one of george's classmates was there with her friend so we sat with them. they were cool. they got one of those 3-day parkhopper tickets and it was their 2nd day coming.
after we ate we went to disneyland and watched the fireworks. dumbo flew! it was soooo cute. there were also these two 10-12 year olds who were shrieking when tinker bell and dumbo came out. like, high pitched screaming. it was a little annoying. the rest was nice. then we made our way to indiana jones, which was open this time =] then matterhorn, but no jenn =/. then we saw the light show at pixie hollow. it was so cute! i loved the music. it was this simple little thing that probably happens every 30 mins or so. then we left, so tired.
i don't remember what i did thursday, probably nothing.
on friday after work, i went to lily's house, picked up her and frannie and went to rite aid. we bought leg waxing kits! haha lily's going to hawaii soon and wanted to try waxing. well, back at her house, we were in her room trying it out and oh my lord, it hurt. we ripped off the first strip together and then you heard this screaming. heh, yeah it hurt. after awhile she called out to frannie who was downstairs watching tv and asked "can you hear us?" and frannie calls back, "i hear screaming..." xD well we did both our legs and i think it's not bad for a first try. it didn't get every little hair, but i think it'll make shaving easier for awhile.
then we watched josie and the pussycats! such a weird movie, but so funny at the same time. there were logos and ads everywhere. it was the whole point of the movie, but i never noticed it before. OMG and dujour. they were hilarious. we were watching the extras and their "music videos" were hilarious. especially seth green, which i did not know that was him.
me, lily's mom, lily
me, lily's mom, lily

yesterday i went to disneyland with lily and her mommy. we went to dca first and made her mom get on tower of terror. xD she's never been on it and we didn't tell her how bad it was. just kept saying "it's not as bad as supreme scream. you're sitting the whole time. it takes your picture at the top" hehehe xP so bad. she said,"never again" after the ride and i told her that's what my mom said after she got off.  but she survived!
after that we watched the aladdin show and it was still funny as ever. i like going with people who haven't watched it as much so their laughter makes me laugh even more. then we used our fastpasses on soarin' over california. lily had a creeper in line who kept blatantly staring at her.
then it was dinner time! lily's mom wanted to try that winery restaurant so that's where we went. they had salads, sandwiches, lasagna and dessert. not bad, i don't know if the price is more expensive than a breadbowl place.
i can take george after i get paid or something. there was also a birthday two tables down. 15 mins later, there was a birthday at the next table over. then lily's mom jokes "isn't it your birthday?" to me as chad [our waiter] walks away. and we heard him chuckle, like he heard the joke since there were two other birthdays. 5 mins later "we have another birthday here!" and since lily clearly said my name out loud, they were able to sing with my name. now, i KNOW he knew it was a joke and it wasn't really my birthday. but lily and her mom claimed he liked me, that's why he brought out the free ice cream anyway. sigh. lily and her mom were laughing so much after that. it was funny though. definitely the highlight of the day.

 my free dessert and chad in the back

we watched the fireworks where dumbo flew again. went on indiana jones after and then i showed them the pixie hollow light show. haha just like when i went with george minus matterhorn. oh and after the light show we went inside pixie hollow and OMG it was SO CUTE!!! there were giant flowers and mushrooms and grass. so cute. we took pictures and then took a picture where tinkerbell probably takes pictures when she's out in the day. we left disneyland and went into world of disney so lily's mom could spend more of her birthday fun card. and i bought mickeyroni =] then we went to lily's house and i drove home.
i'll probably update later with what i did today. which probably won't be much, BUT I HAVE THE HOUSE TO MYSELF!!! woohoo~ xD
well, being home alone wasn't all that fun. i watched ratatouille on tv, an episode or two of suite life on deck, then got bored. so after some moping george picked me up. i ate and we watched big bang theory like always.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


i'm going to disneyland tonight with george =] we're going to get a broccoli cheese bread bowl for dinner and probably watch fireworks. i hope the dumbo flies this time. i also want to go on indiana jones since we didn't get to go on it last time. dangit, and i want to see the new dragon! it broke during practice so they haven't used it yet. boo. did they completely disassemble the old one that they can't take it out? no offense, but just maleficent gets kinda boring.
anyways. i updated my journal today at work so i'm caught up with what i've been writing here.
i started another bracelet last night. it's blue, white, purple, and grey. but the grey barely shows up. it's a design i haven't done yet and i think it looks pretty so far. i'm almost halfway, so i still have quite a bit to do.
i guess that's it.
oh, hi mike =]

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

AX09 report

beware: loooong post.
DAY 0 [wed]
i leave work early and wait for george to pick me up so we can get our badges. while i'm waiting i get a text from kelly asking if she could get a ride too. she was supposed to go with cookie and brian but apparently stuff and traffic happened and she still hadn't left yet. the three of us get to the con center, pay 12 freaking dollars for parking and wait in a steadily moving line. kelly had gone off to find the press line. as we got in line, we hear "brandi!! george!!" and one row of ppl ahead of us was cookie, brian, and peter. timing. so we got our badges, saw a couple ppl we knew volunteering and then i started the chain of frustrating phone calls back and forth to kelly regarding event ticket pickup. she had taken the bus to go to the westin because soy told her his roommate was waiting to give her the roomkey [she was staying with them that night]. apparently they weren't staying at the westin and she had to walk a block or so to the biltmore. and guess who was waiting for her? shinji. that booger who said he wasn't coming was here. so i told her to find a way back to the con center and fast because we were in line for the main event tickets and we needed her there to pick it up. we talked to some ppl we knew behind us in line and finally got our tickets after 8pm. we dropped off shinji, kelly, and her luggage at the biltmore then george dropped me off.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

day -1

so i ended up going to disneyland on friday with lauren and lily. just when lauren and i gave up, lily called and said she could go. so we were happy. we only went on a couple rides and saw the electrical light parade. they added a couple new floats but TOOK OUT THE COOLEST ONE!!!! they took away the circus one =[ that had the fun music too.
we tried seeing the fireworks, but god, the timing is absolutely horrible. we barely saw the end of it and that was because we ran.
we went to matterhorn to see if jenn was working, and she was! when we got off she gave us one of those fastpasses for any ride and said to me "you know how to use it" hahaha lily and lauren were like, "o0o what is it??" we decided to use it for space mountain but got sidetracked on the way there [and it's like, right there too]. we heard a british accent coming from the tomorrowland terrace. of course we stop to check it out. it was a band called Steve Rushton. i'm assuming it's some disney channel/radio disney affiliated band because they sang a song for G-Force, that new guinea pig movie. i think it was called "Rock" and it was catchy. i don't know if the others had accents or not, but the singer was a cutie everytime he talked. and OH! the MC guy or whatever asked them at the end of their set if fans could follow or keep up with them. and the singer said, "oh yeah, i'm on twi-ta" just, say it in a british accent and you'll get it. "twi-ta" we kept saying that all night. me and lauren hate twitter but as long as he says it, it's ok. hahaha

Friday, June 26, 2009

shocking week...

for the entertainment world. first Ed McMahon on tuesday, then a somewhat expected [but still hard to hear] Farrah Fawcett, and later on the same day, a couple hours later, an extremely shocking Michael Jackson. it's crazy.
of course, the most talk is about Michael Jackson. reports claim it was cardiac arrest and the autopsy is scheduled for today. it's all so sad. radio stations have been playing Jackson's music left and right [i still want to hear Thriller or Beat It on the radio].
well, on a lighter note, i had plans to go to disneyland tonight with lily and lauren. i get a call from lily about 30 mins ago telling me she might not be able to make it anymore because her uncle's having surgery. you know, lily is becoming notorious for cancelling our plans. of course i'm not blaming her uncle, i hope everything goes smoothly. but every time she's cancelled our last few plans, it was always work or family. either way, it was on her end.
i could probably still go, but lily was my ride to lauren's house and since i can't drive myself back at night, i can't go there in the first place. maybe lauren could pick me up, but i don't have gas money to give her. and once something like this happens, it becomes too bothersome to me and i'd rather not even ask lauren. that's what george doesn't like. oh well.
lily said she'd call in about an hour again to let me know, which is in about 30 minutes. either way, i already asked to leave work at 3 so i'll leave work regardless if i'm going to disneyland or not. but it'll suck if i'm not doing anything tonight. george already has plans with his friends to go to karaoke, so i can't hang out with him. sigh.

Monday, June 22, 2009


oh monday. dreary, sleepy monday. although it is a nice day outside.
yesterday was father's day. me and my parents were supposed to go to dinner at Lawry's in beverly hills but i woke up with hideous cramps and i decided to skip out. it sucks being a girl sometimes.
but while i was home alone, in pain, i made another bracelet. this one is the heart design i've been wanting to make. i think it's pretty cute. it's dark brown with light pink hearts. i dont know which design to make next. *cough-i still want one from george-cough*
so one of my friends, kelly, has a boat in her front yard because her uncle asked to keep it there for awhile. and i had the bright idea of making our own "I'm on a boat"  video [i actually dont know the real title to that song]. i mean, i think it'd be pretty fun just making it. or trying to xD. i have no idea how we'd film it...i think we only own digital cameras. but it's a fun idea, all of us dressed up and climbing all over that boat. we'd definitely be a sight for the neighbors, hahah.
since my plans for saturday had been changed, i had an open day. then i decided right then that i'd buy george his disneyland pass. it would've been a lot cooler if i could've just kidnapped him and drove myself, but that would've required me driving back home late at night and my parents don't let me do that yet. so instead i had him pick me up and didn't tell him where we were going until we were on the freeway. and i never really told him what we were going to do, heh. i just walked up to the ticket booth and got it ^____^
and then we were able to have some fun in disneyland. we watched the new fireworks show [but no dumbo] and it was cool. it's going to take some time getting used to since i've been watching the other one so much. it feels like that other one was more...out there, i guess. they had fireworks shoot up around the hub and up from some roofs of main street and even from the top of the matterhorn and somewhere behind adventureland when the pirate battle was going on. this one in comparison seemed very, contained. which i guess it literally was since nothing went past the castle.
we also watched fantasmic but the dragon and ursula weren't there. flotsam and jetsam looked really, really cool though. i liked that part. everything else seemed the same.
we tried going on indiana jones with our fastpasses after fantasmic...but it was down =[ boo!
oh oh! and mickeyroni is back!! yes, the yummy, cheesy, mickey shaped pasta has returned. we always, always check when we go, but for a good 6 months or so [i don't remember] it was off the shelves and nowhere to be found in the rest of the stores. we thought we'd never eat it again. but good thing we went yesterday! we bought two boxes haha. we actually went back to george's house around 12am and cooked up a box. it was yummy.
Anime Expo is in about a week @_@ eesh! i still want to make the meat thing for my lion saber cosplay...but i've been putting it off, thinking i had a lot more time. i have to design it and put it together. it's basically going to be a meat plushie, but yeah. it's not as easy and i think. 
i think this year's ax will be fun. we'll have to figure out the whole keycard issue since they might be doing random checks and going up to our room with 5+ ppl won't be such a good idea. but moi dix mois is having a concert, mana is having another panel [and probably a signing...i don't know what to get signed this time!], aaand...i'm going to a wedding! xD haha but not at ax. george's cousin is getting married so we're going to the ceremony on the morning/noon of day 3. i've never been to a wedding =]